Alright, well hi everyone!
Welcome to my blog! This is my first entry so this is where the journey begins. Well I guess I will share with you what exactly this blog is for, I'm going on a Mission Trip! (that's boring, don't bore your people- mom) My mom is in denial. But Let me explain more, last august I was talking to one of my god friends about how I felt so stagnant in my faith life, like I wasn't moving anywhere and was restless. He mentioned to me that he had a friend that did this amazing ministry called NET Ministries and was transformed! So I looked into it. NET is actually a Ministry of 135 young adults that travel around the U.S. for 9 months and put on retreats for the youth of our nation. I said to myself "well Erika, you love the youth, you are somewhat an interesting person, and your looking for more in your faith..." so I applied last November. A couple days later I got a call for an interview retreat in March; I went on the retreat and had got a glimpse into the life of a NET-ter and was hooked! 2 extremely long weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying that I was one of the 135 young adults chosen to serve a year with NET! And so, after prayer and discernment I accepted the invitation that same night! I am now raising $7,000 big ones f0or this adventure and its coming along with the help of God. And so, it is June 30th and I leave home for Minnesota (home-base) on August 14th for 9 months living out of a backpack on the road and sleeping on floors and couches of wonderful Host Homes. In all, I am actually really excited for this journey, I have so many people to thank for helping me get here and helping me believe that I can challenge myself this year for the Lord. All I can do now is pray, and ask for your prayers as well! thanks so much for reading I will be posting all year long! God Bless You.
If you would like to donate and be a part of this adventure God is leading me on please go to everything helps! Thank you.
Peace and Love: Erika