Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rolling... Mission life: Take 2... and ACTION

Hey guys and gals, well yes as the title oh so clearly states, this is part 2 of the amazing mission the Lord has sent me on with Net Ministries :) Let's see what i am up to shall we? Yes.
Alright, so for a quick recap of my break... it truly was amazing to be home, to see my house and my family and my brothers that keep growing! My dogs are still fluffy which is great and my room is still there although my brothers had told me otherwise haha. The first thing I did when I got home was have my favorite pizza with my family! Shout out to chi chi's pizza. On break I also went to daily Mass on most days and saw so many people that have been supporting me this year which was a blessing. But then soon enough the 2 weeks were over, and I kissed sunny southern California goodbye once again.
To be honest, on the plane ride back to MN, I found myself again unsure of what the Lord was going to do in my life. I knew then that he had already done so much and I couldn't even think of what else could be done. I thought "How much further could he take me?" Well friends, don't ever put a limit on God. When I got back to the NET center I was actually really struggling. You see, during the second half of NET, everyone starts asking you what you will be doing the following year. Now for the average Joe this is a complicated question, for erika, this is an anxiety filled qurstion. Haha. All of these questions started flooding in, am I called to do NET a second year or go home? Am I called to go do mission somewhere else? Then the big questions hit... What am I going to do? Where am I called in life? Am I meant to be married? Am I being called to religious life? How do I figure that out? And honestly I was kind of a stress ball when I got back this second half. But the Lord calms the storm.
Through taking this to prayer over and over again, I realized that the Lord wants me to put even more trust in him than I ever have. And I don't need to know everything. He will guide me if I seek him first. One of the last things someone told me at the NET center this time around was "you don't need to know anything, just seek him first. Seek holiness and God will provide." And with that I was able to trust. And that's all the Lord really wanted from me, to trust him. To give him my future instead of holding on to it and worrying about it. He will guide.
And since then a lot of peace about the future has come to me. I don't know all the answers still, but I'm ok with that. I am trusting the Lord with my future. Now, for those of you who are actually reading this, that doesn't mean I don't have a plan for the future, it just means that I am open to the Lord changing my plans :)
Wow, that was a lot. Alright so ya, haha to follow that. I am here, and the Lord is back in action. The second half has started out great, very busy but beautiful too. The Lord is truly working in the teens and families here in Forest Lake. My team is wonderful, but pray for us, we are all getting over sickness and just lost a member of our team temporarily due to sickness.  I write this as I am on my sick bed haha. But truly pray for us. And pray for me when you can. I don't know what I was thinking when I questioned what the Lord has in store for me this half, because clearly trust is a big one, as well as my continued journey with love. Jesus and I celebrated our 2 monthaverssary on the 21st and he is still and always will be an amazing boyfriend.
Thanks a bunches for reading, you are in my prayers.
Sincerely, Erika

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